Tagawa miho

Name:Tagawa miho
Tel: 052-789-5343
e-mail : tagawa.miho.z5@f.mail.nagoya-u.ac.jp
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ー Education and Work Experience
Majored in physics and applied physics at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University.
She immersed herself in research on condensed matter physics (especially surface physics).
After working for a manufacturer, she entered the University of Tokyo for her Ph. D. in the field of biophysics.
During her time at PRESTO, she worked at Brookhaven National Laboratory in the U.S., where she pursued research in the fusion field of biotechnology and materials science.
She has been conducting research in the fusion field of nanobiology and materials science at Brookhaven National Laboratory in the U.S.
Since her appointment at Nagoya University, she spends her days struggling with education and research while raising two children on her own.
(Faculty Details)http://profs.provost.nagoya-u.ac.jp/view/html/100006436_ja.html
ー Favorite thing
I loved to be physically active, but since the birth of my child, I have no time for hobbies at all!
Thinking of ways to shorten the time is like a hobby. Still, I teach my children how to ride a unicycle, use the bars, and jump rope and play the piano.